Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WIMBA Geometry Class

Hello teachers and students!

There will be a live WIMBA Geometry class beginning next Monday, November 16. It will be taught by Mr. Orlinski. The class will meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1-2 pm in Mr. Orlinski’s online WIMBA classroom. The class will begin in unit 4 of the Odyssey Ware curriculum and will cover the same material in the same order. Students that sign up for the class will be given attendance and participation points that will be factored into their overall Geometry grade. Please notify your teacher if you would like to participate. Space is limited, so act fast.

You can also email Mr. Orlinski directly at if you have any questions. Thanks and have a great week!

State Testing

State Testing will be held the week of November 16-20. I will be contacting you all individually to let you know when you will be taking your test.

Some reminders
- Parents are not allowed in the testing room
- Please bring your Allprep computers
- Please be on time! Students that arrive after the session has begun will not be allowed to enter


Wednesday, November 11th is Veterans Day, we do not have school.

Also, we have the entire week of November 23rd-27th off for Thanksgiving break.

*Feel free to do school work on these days if you would like but teachers will not be available*